Fashion + Commerce

The Crown and Ivy app


Intergrated Lookbook

We wanted the customer to explore the new brand Crown and Ivy. In doing so we created a fun and intuitive lookbook that is completely shopable. This look book updates weekly to keep our customer engaged and excited about all the outfit inspiration.

Personalized Menu

We created a customized menu for different personas. Each menu had three variables; high fashion, moderate and bonus buys. The menu change is triggered by customer engagement and how they search and interact with the navigation.

Intutive Navigation

We knew the bottom menu bar was key to scalability. but then we asked ourselves the question what if you had the extra real estate to have a fixed add to bag button?  Thats when the scaleable bottom navigation bar was born. When users are on PDP pages the main navigation stays fixed but scales down similar to patterns that use sticky navigation at the top. This interaction boosted conversion significantly.
